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GoodWe DNS (single phase, dual MPPT)

GoodWe DNS (single phase, dual MPPT)

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GoodWe DNS (single phase, dual MPPT)

DNS Series 3-6kW I 2 MPPTs I Single Phase GoodWe DNS series is a perfect match for residential installations thanks…
Goodwe Hybrid Single Phase EH Series

Goodwe Hybrid Single Phase EH Series

Battery Type Li-lon, Nominal Battery Voltage (V) 350, Battery Voltage Range (V) 85-460, Max Input Voltage (V) 580, MPPT Operating…
Goodwe Hybrid Single Phase ES Series

Goodwe Hybrid Single Phase ES Series

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Goodwe Hybrid Single Phase ES Series

Battery Type Li-lon, Nominal Battery Voltage (V) 48, Battery Voltage Range (V) 40-60, Max Input Voltage (V) 580, MPPT Operating…
Goodwe Hybrid Three Phase ET Series

Goodwe Hybrid Three Phase ET Series

Battery Type Li-lon, Nominal Battery Voltage (V) 500, Battery Voltage Range (V) 180-600, Max Input Voltage (V) 1000, MPPT Operating…
GoodWe XS (single phase, single MPPT)

GoodWe XS (single phase, single MPPT)

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GoodWe XS (single phase, single MPPT)

XS Series 0.7-3kW I 1 MPPT I Single Phase The brand new XS model from GoodWe is an ultra-small residential…
Aplikasi beban resistif: Jika Anda membutuhkan inverter untuk menjalankan beban resistif (seperti laptop, TV, kompor listrik, lampu LED), pilih inverter…
Inverter (Pure Sine Wave) LED 500w

Inverter (Pure Sine Wave) LED 500w

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Inverter (Pure Sine Wave) LED 500w

Inverter ini khusus digunakan untuk baterai. Tersedia dalam 2 tipe tegangan 12V dan 24V. Cocok digunakan untuk aplikasi PLTS off-grid…
Inverter Goodwe SDT Series (3 Phase)

Inverter Goodwe SDT Series (3 Phase)

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Inverter Goodwe SDT Series (3 Phase)

SDT G2 Series 4-15kW I 2 MPPTs I Three Phase The GoodWe SDT Series is one of the best options…
MIC 1000TL-X adalah inverter on-grid yang memiliki kapasitas 1KW untuk listrik 1fasa Input data (DC) Max. recommended PV power (for…
MIC 2000TL-X adalah inverter on-grid yang memiliki kapasitas 2KW untuk listrik 1fasa Input data (DC) Max. recommended PV power (for…
MIC 3000TL-X adalah inverter on-grid yang memiliki kapasitas 3KW untuk listrik 1fasa Input data (DC) Max. recommended PV power (for…
MID 15KTL3-X adalah inverter on-grid yang memiliki kapasitas 15KW untuk listrik 3fasa Input data (DC) Max. recommended PV power (for…

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